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  I went for a run. The rain was falling hard the fog had set in. I came around a bend and a woman approached me. There was no one else in sight and she appeared as a silhouette carrying an air of grace. When she spoke I heard my Grandmother's voice and when I looked into her eyes, I saw a deep soulful speck of light from a moment in the past. My Grandmother had MS and was paralyzed from the neck down. She spent over 30 years in a hospital bed unable to move. In her 80's, she passed away from complications of pneumonia and I was thankful for that pneumonia because it had provided her with a long overdue end to the pain and suffering she had endured. We ran a few more blocks and then this strange spirit in the shape of a woman said, "I have to go now. I wish I could stay here with you." Then she vanished into the mist, into a place I've never been.                                          I hope that anyone reading this who is sick and suffering finds a memory, a r


When a loved one passes and the initial shock sets in (and it is shock whether they have been sick and suffering for years or they go suddenly); one of the most difficult realities we face is the understanding that we will never see that person again - not in this life - not in this world. How can that be? How absurd and cruel and mysterious is this factor of death? The comfort that I have found and that I wish for you,  is that my loved ones have visited me in my dreams. There was a delay and I don't  know if it was because their souls had to set somewhere beautiful and mystical or if it was my own subconscious protecting me and allowing a period of mourning. What I do know is that having them visit me in my dreams has always felt very real and so I choose to believe that it is so.  Beyond shock, disbelief, unfairness and so much pain; these visits will help heal, comfort and assure you that you are not alone and that their souls will travel with you throughout your life and until